Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
2017 | Huang Yiau-Min, Rueda L M 2017 Lectotype designation for Aedes (Finlaya) pulchrithorax Edwards (Diptera: Culicidae), including Male description. Proc. Entomo. Soc. Wash. 119(2): 277-280 | |
Huang Yiau-Min Aedes (Finlaya) pulchrithorax : genitalia mâle (Huang & Rueda, 2017) | ||
2004 | Huang, Yiau-Min. 2004 The subgenus Stegomyia of Aedes in the Afrotropical Region with keys to the species (Diptera: Culicidae). Zootaxa 700: 1-120. | |
1979 | Huang Yiau-Min, 1979 Aedes (Stegomyia) simpsoni Complex in the Ethiopian Region with Lectotype Designation for simpsoni (Theobald) (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. Vol11(3):221-234. | |
1956 | Hsieh, L.-K. and T.-H. Liao. 1956 A list of Amoy mosquitoes with the description of a new species and a new variety. Acta ent. Sinica 6:123-127. | |
1977 | Hsiao, C.E. 1977 A new species of Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae). Acta Ent. Sinica. 20(4): 451-454. | |
1917 | Howard L.O., Dyar H.G., Knab F. 1917 The mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies. Systematic description. Part II. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. No. 159, Vol. 4, pp. 525-1064, illus. Washington, D.C. | |
1915 | Howard L.O., Dyar H.G., Knab F. 1915 The mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies. Systematic description, part I. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. No. 159, Vol. 3, 523 pp. Washington, D.C. | |
1912 | Howard L.O., Dyar H.G., Knab F. 1912 The mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies. Volume 1. A general consideration of mosquitoes, their habits, and their relations to human species (1913). Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. No.159, 520 pp., 14 pls. | |
1952 | Horsfall, W.R., R.C. Miles and J.T. Sokatch. 1952 Eggs of floodwater mosquitoes. I. Species of Psorophora (Diptera: Culicidae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 45:618-624. illus. |
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