Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1971 Sirivanakarn S. 1971 Contributions to the mosquito fauna of Southeast Asia. XI. A proposed reclassification of Neoculex Dyar based principally on the male terminalia. Contributions of the American Entomological Institute 7(3):62-85.
1973 Postiglione, M., S. Tabanili and C.D. Ramsdale. 1973 The Anopheles of Turkey. Riv. Parassit. 34:127-159, illus.
1994 Coetzee, M. 1994 Anopheles crypticus, New Species from South Africa Is Distinguished from Anopheles coustani (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst.Vol. 26(3):125-131.
1973 Berlin OGW, Pandian RS 1973 Description of the egg of Culex (Lutzia) fuscanus Wiedemann (Diptera, Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. 5(3): 227-29
1971 Geoffroy B. 1971 Description du mâle de Culex (Culiciomyia) eouzani sp. n. (Diptera Culicidae) nouveau moustique de la République Centrafricaine. Cah. ORSTOM sér. Ent. Med. Parasitol. 9(3): 279-283.
1971 Cova Garcia P, Sutil Oramas E Pulido JF 1971 Descripcion de nueva especie de Culex, del subgenero Carrollia (Diptera, Culicidae). Bol. Soc. venez. Cienc. nat. 29:203-210, illus.
1906 Theobald, F. V. 1906 Report on economic entomology. Part I. Second report on the mosquitoes or Culicidae of the Sudan. Report Wellcome Laboratories, Gordon College, Khartoum 2:67-83, illus. + pls. 7-9.
1968 Rahman, S.J., D.S. Choudhury and N.L. Kalra. 1968 Description of Culex (Lophoceraomyia) raghavanii sp. n. (Diptera: Culicidae) from Nilgiri Hills, South India. (1969). Bull. Ind. Soc. Mal. Com. Dis. 5:28-34, illus.
1956 Duret, J.P. and M. Pereira Barreto. 1956 Notas sobre culicidas do Estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil, com descripcoes de tres novas especies de Culex (Diptera, Culicidae). Revta bras. Ent. 5:81-99, illus.
1921 Yamada S 1921 Description of ten new species of Aedes found in Japan, with notes on the relation between some of these mosquitoes and the larva of Filaria bancrofti Cobbold. Annotation Zoologicae Japonenses 10(6):45-81.

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