Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
2017 | Coetzee M 2017 Culicidae (Mosquitoes) (in Manual of Afrotropical Diptera) Suricata Manual of afrotropical diptera vol 2 chap 31 677-692 | |
2017 | Mohamed AH, Ali AM, Harbach RE, Reeves G, Ibrahim K Et Al 2017 Aedes mosquitoes in the Republic of the Sudan, with dichotomous keys for the adult and larval stages. Journal of Natural History, 51(9-10):513-529. | |
2003 | Reinert JF 2003 Description of Bruceharrisonius, a new subgenus of Ochlerotatus and a redescription of its type species Oc. (Brh.) greenii. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 19(4):309-322 | |
Harbach R Sabethes (Sabethinus) theresae : larve, illustration | ||
Bhattacharyya DR Aedes (Aedimorphus) nigrostriatus : larve illustration | ||
1947 | Thompson GA 1947 A list of the mosquitoes of Jamaica, Britich West Indies. Mosquito News. 7(2):78-80 | |
1965 | Diaz Najera A. 1965 Mosquitos mexicanos. Claves para identificar hembras de Mansonia y Psorophora. Salud publica de Mexico Epoca V vol VII(4):519-525. | |
0 | Misaki M 0000 Aedes vexans adultes : détails thorax, ailes, patte abdomen mâle, femelle. Illustration inconnu | |
1957 | Newson HD, Blakeslee TE 1957 Observations of a laboratory colony of the mosquito Culex tritaeniorhynchus. Mosquito News. 17(4):308-311 | |
1945 | Gillett JD 1945 The larva and pupa of Taeniorhynchus (Coquillettidia) maculipennis, Theobald. Bul. of Entomological Research. 35(4): 395-397. |
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