Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1946 Barretto, M.P. 1946 Sobre a sinonimia de flebotomos Americanos (Diptera, Psychodidae). Ann. Fac. Med. Univ. Sao Paulo 22:1-27.
1946 Bohart, R. M. 1946 New species of mosquitoes from the Marianas and Okinawa (Diptera, Culicidae). Proc. biol. Soc. Wash. 59:39-46, illus.
1946 Floch H, Abonnenc E 1946 Description de Culex nouveaux de la Guyane Française (IV). Culex (Melanoconion) punctiscapularis n. sp. Publ. Inst. Pasteur Guyane de l'Inini. No. 122:1-3.
1946 Carpenter S.J., Middlekauff W., Chamberlain R.W. 1946 The mosquitoes of the Southern United States East of Oklahoma and Texas. American Midland Naturalist Monogr. 3, 292 pp., illus. Notre Dame Ind.
1946 Bohart, R. M. and R. L. Ingram. 1946 Four new species of mosquitoes from Okinawa (Diptera: Culicidae). J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 36:46-52 illus.
1946 King, W. V. and H. Hoogstraal. 1946 The New Guinea species of Culex (Culiciomyia), with descriptions of two new species. Proc. biol. Soc. Wash. 59:143-153.
1946 Woodhill, A. R. 1946 Observations on the morphology and biology of the subspecies of Anopheles punctulatus Doenitz. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 70:276-287.
1946 Floch H, Abonnenc E 1946 Sur A. nunez-tovari et A. pessoai en Guyane Francaise. Table d'identification des Nyssorhynchus guyanais. Publ. Inst. Pasteur Guyane de l'Inini. No. 126:1-5.
1946 Clavero, G. 1946 Aedinos de Espana. Revta Sanid. Hig. publ., Madr. 20:1-28, 38 pls.
1946 Gjullin C.M. 1946 A key to the Aedes females of America north of Mexico (Diptera, Culicidae). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 48:215-236, illus.

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