Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1933 Christophers, S.R. 1933 The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Diptera. Family Culicidae. Tribe Anophelini. Vol. IV, 371 pp., illus.London.
1960 Christophers S.R. 1960 Aedes aegypti (L.), the yellow fever mosquito. Its life history, bionomics and structure. Cambridge University Press, London (UK) 739 p., illus.
1958 Chu, Feng-I. 1958 Advances in the study of culicine mosquitoes of Hainan, South China. Indian J. Malar. 12:109-113, illus.
1980 Chu, Feng-I. 1980 The synonomy, distribution and classification of Chinese Uranotaenia (Diptera: Culicidae). (In Chinese). Entomotaxonomia 2:237-245.
1981 Chu, Feng-I. 1981 A new species of Chinese Uranotaenia (Diptera: Culicidae). (In Chinese). Entomotaxonomia 3:273-275.
1948 Chwatt, L.J. 1948 A new Aedes from the Cameroons, A. (Aedimorphus) boneti n. sp. kumbae s. sp. nov. Ann. trop. med. Parasit. 42:184-189, illus.
1949 Chwatt L.J. 1949 Aedes (Stegomyia) pseudoafricanus sp. nov.: a new species of Aedes from the coast of Nigeria (British West Africa). Nature 163 p 808.
1949 Chwatt, L.J. 1949 Aedes (Stegomyia) pseudoafricanus sp. nov.: a new species of Aedes from the coast of Nigeria (British West Africa). Nature, Lond. 163:808.
Chwatt LJ Illustration. Aedes boneti kumbae : Larve, segment VIII.
1986 Clark G.G., Crabbs C.L., Bailey C.L., Calisher C.H., Craig G.B. 1986 Identification of Aedes campestris from New Mexico: with notes on the isolation of Western Equine Encephalitis and other arboviruses. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 2(4):529-534.

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