Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1927 Martini, E. 1927 Ueber zwei neue Stechmueckenarten aus Anatolien. Arch. Schiffs-u Tropenhyg. 31:386-390.
1927 Senior-White, R. 1927 Notes on Ceylon mosquitoes,- II. The larvae of the commoner non-anopheline mosquitoes. Spolia Zeylanica Ceylon J. Sci. (B) 14:61-76, 6 pls.
1927 Covell G. 1927 A new species of Anopheles from Eastern India, A. (Myzomyia) ramsayi; with a new description of A. (Myzomyia) jamesii Theobald. Indian J. Med. Res. 14:1019-1025, pl. 43.
1927 Shannon R.C., Del Ponte E. 1927 Los culicidos en la Argentina. Revista Inst. Bacterial., Buenos Aires 5(1):29-140, illus. (pub. 1928).
1927 Barraud PJ 1927 A revision of the Culicinae of India. Part XX. The indian species of Armigeres (including Leicesteria) with description of two new species. THE Indian J. Med. Research, Calcutta 14(3): 533-48
1927 Hearle. E. 1927 A new Canadian mosquito (Culicidae). Can. Ent. 59:101-103.
1927 Strickland, C. and K. L. Chowdhury. 1927 A new species of anopheline A. pseudojamesi common in Bengal. Indian Med. Gazette 62:240-243.
1927 Root, F. M. 1927 Studies on Brazilian mosquitoes. IV. Notes on some Brazilian species of Anopheles. Am. J. Hyg. 7:599-605, 2 pls.
1927 Root F.M. 1927 Studies on Brazilian mosquitoes. II. Chagasia fajardoi. American Journal of Hygiene. 7:470-480, 4 pls.
1927 Senevet, G. and M. Prunnelle. 1927 Une nouvelle espece d'anophele en Algerie, Anopheles marteri n. sp. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Alger. 5:529-533, illus.

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