Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1931 | De Meillon, B. 1931 Illustrated keys to the full-grown larvae adults of South African anopheline mosquitos. Publ. S. Afr. Inst.Res. 4:275-375, illus. | |
1931 | Barraud PJ, Christophers SR 1931 On a collection of Anopheline and Culicine mosquitoes from Siam. Rec. Malar. Surv. India, Calcutta 2(2): 269-85 | |
1931 | King, W. V. 1931 The Philippine varieties of Anopheles gigas and Anopheles lindesayi. Philipp. J. Sci. 46:751-757, 2 pls. | |
1931 | Prado, A. 1931 Contribuicoes ao conhecimento dos culicideos de Sao Paulo. II. Notas sobre as especies encontradas nos arredores da capital e sobre a determinacao de Aedes crinifer (Theob.). Instituto de Butantan. pp 9-13, illus. | |
1931 | Barraud PJ. 1931 Notes on some Indian mosquitoes of the subgenus Stegomyia, with description of new species. Indian Journal Med. Res. Calcutta, 19(1): 221-29 | |
1931 | Soesilo, R. and J. Van Slooten. 1931 Miscellaneous notes on anopheline mosquitoes in the Dutch East Indies. Meded. Dienst Volksgezondh. Ned-Ind.20:124-128, illus. andGeneesk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Ind. 71:1254-1259 illus. | |
1931 | Curry D.P. 1931 Anopheles (Anopheles) neomaculipalpus. A new species of the Arriballagaia group of Anopheles from Panama. American Journal of Hygiene 13(2):643-647. | |
1931 | Davis, N.C. 1931 A new anopheline mosquito from Para, Brazil. Am. J. Hyg. 13:345-348, 2 pl. | |
1931 | Martini, E. 1931 Die Ausbeute der deutschen Chaco-Expedition 1925/26. - Diptera. XXV. Culicidae. Konowia 10:116-120. | |
1931 | Da Costa Lima A. 1931 Sobre as especies de Megarhinus do Brasil (Diptera: Culicidae). Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz 25:307-315, 2 pls. |
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