Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1872 | Rondani, C. 1872 Sulle specie Italiane del genere Culex Lin. Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 4:29-31. | |
1962 | Ronderos, R. A. and M. Garcia. 1962 Nota sinonimica en Culicidae (Diptera). (1963)b. Revta Soc. ent. argent. 25:38. | |
1963 | Ronderos R.A., Bachmann A.O. 1963 A proposito del complejo Mansonia (Diptera-Culicidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 25:43-51. | |
1963 | Ronderos R.A., Bachmann A.O. 1963 Mansoniini neotropicales. I (Diptera-Culicidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 26:57-65. | |
1922 | Root, F. M.1922. 1922 Notes on mosquitoes and other blood-sucking flies from Porto Rico. Am. J. Hyg. 2:394-405, illus. | |
1924 | Root F.M. 1924 Further notes on the male genitalia of American Anopheles. American Journal of Hygiene 4(5):456-465. | |
1926 | Root, F. M. 1926 Studies on Brazilian mosquitoes. I. The anophelines of the Nyssorhynchus group. Am. J. Hyg. 6:684-717, 9 pls. | |
1927 | Root F.M. 1927 Note of the mosquito fauna of the Republc of Haiti. American Journal of Hygiene 7(4):463-469. | |
1927 | Root F.M. 1927 Studies on Brazilian mosquitoes. II. Chagasia fajardoi. American Journal of Hygiene. 7:470-480, 4 pls. | |
1927 | Root, F. M. 1927 Studies on Brazilian mosquitoes. III. The genus Culex. Am. J. Hyg. 7:574-598, 6 pls. |
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