Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1970 | Clastrier, J. 1970 Culex (Eubonnea) guyanensis n. sp. (Diptera, Culicidae) nouveau moustique de la Guyane Francaise. Annls Parasit. hum. comp. 45:115-118, illus. | |
1968 | Clastrier J 1968 Présence, en Guyane francaise, de Culex (Melanoconion) creole Anduze, 1948 et Culex (Mochlostyrax) foliafer Komp et Rozeboom, 1951 (Diptera, Culicidae). Archives de l’Institut Pasteur de la Guyane Française et de l'Inini. . 21:225-230, illus. | |
1955 | Clastrier J 1955 Nouvelles stations de culicides arboricoles en Algérie. Archives de l'Institut Pasteur d'Algérie, 33(3) : 273-278. | |
1941 | Clastrier J 1941 Sur la présence en Algérie d'Orthopodomyia pulchripalpis (Rondani). Archives de l'Institut Pasteur d'Alg?rie, 19(4) : 443-446. | |
1983 | Clark-Gil S., Darsie R.F. 1983 The Mosquitoes of Guatemala. Their identification, distribution and bionomics, with Keys to adult females and larvae in English and Spanish. Mosquito Systematics 15(3):151-284. | |
1986 | Clark G.G., Crabbs C.L., Bailey C.L., Calisher C.H., Craig G.B. 1986 Identification of Aedes campestris from New Mexico: with notes on the isolation of Western Equine Encephalitis and other arboviruses. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 2(4):529-534. | |
Chwatt LJ Illustration. Aedes boneti kumbae : Larve, segment VIII. | ||
1949 | Chwatt, L.J. 1949 Aedes (Stegomyia) pseudoafricanus sp. nov.: a new species of Aedes from the coast of Nigeria (British West Africa). Nature, Lond. 163:808. | |
1949 | Chwatt L.J. 1949 Aedes (Stegomyia) pseudoafricanus sp. nov.: a new species of Aedes from the coast of Nigeria (British West Africa). Nature 163 p 808. | |
1948 | Chwatt, L.J. 1948 A new Aedes from the Cameroons, A. (Aedimorphus) boneti n. sp. kumbae s. sp. nov. Ann. trop. med. Parasit. 42:184-189, illus. |
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