Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1930 | Da Costa Lima, A. 1930 Sobre especies do genero Miamyia, subgenero Miamyia (Diptera: Cuiicidae). MemInst.Osw.Cruz24:73-78,3pls. | |
1930 | Da Costa Lima, A. 1930 Sobre especies do genero Miamyia, subgenero Miamyia (2a. Nota) (Diptera: Culicidae). Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz 24:187-194, 3 pls. | |
1929 | Da Costa Lima, A. 1929 Sobre um novo Anopheles do Brasil. Brasil-med. 43:1100-1101, illus. | |
1929 | Da Costa Lima, A. 1929 Sobre alguns anophelineos encontrados no Brasil. Suppl. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz 12:275-293, 18 pls. | |
1967 | Curtis, L. C. 1967 The mosquitoes of British Columbia. Occas. Papers Brtish Columbia Prov. Mus. No. 15, 90 pp., illus. | |
1932 | Curry, D. P. 1932 Some observations on the Nyssorhynchus group of the Anopheles (Culicidae) of Panama. Am. J. Hyg. 15:566-572, illus. | |
1931 | Curry D.P. 1931 Anopheles (Anopheles) neomaculipalpus. A new species of the Arriballagaia group of Anopheles from Panama. American Journal of Hygiene 13(2):643-647. | |
1928 | Curry, D. P. 1928 A new anopheline mosquito, Anopheles (Chagasia) bathanus Dyar, discovered in the Canal Zone. Am. J. trop. Med. 8:243-248. | |
1969 | Cupp, E. W. and W. R. Horsfall. 1969 Biological bases for placement of Aedes sierrensis (Ludlow) in the subgenus Finlaya (Theobald). Mosq. Syst. Newsl. 1(3):51-52. | |
1973 | Cupp, E. W. and A. N. Ibrahim. 1973 Identification of members of the Culex pipiens complex by immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis. J. med. Ent. 10:277-281, illus. |
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