Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1911 Theobald, F. V. 1911 The Culicidae or mosquitoes of the Transvaal. South Africa Veterinary Division Report 1:232-272, illus., 1 pl.
1911 Edwards, F.W. 1911 The African species of Culex and allied genera. Bull. Ent. Res. 2:241-268, illus.
1911 Newstead, R. and H. F. Carter. 1911 On some new species of African mosquitos (Culicidae). Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. 5:233-244, 1 pl.
1911 Edwards, F. W. 1911 Some new West African species of Anopheles (sensu lato), with notes on nomenclature. Bull. Ent. Res. 2:141-143.
1911 Colledge, W.R. 1911 Notes on a brush-tongued mosquito. Proc. R. Soc. Qd. 23:121-130, 1 pl.
1911 Carter HF 1911 A new mosquitoe from Uganda. inconnu
1911 Alcock A. 1911 Entomology for Medical Officers. London: Gurney & Jackson Eds., 347 pp.
1910 De Meijere JCH 1910 Nepentheg-Tiere. I. Systematik. Ann. bot. Gdn Buitenz., 2nd Ser., Suppl. 3:917-940.
1910 Theobald F.W. 1910 A monograph of the Culicidae of the World. Sub-family Anophelinae. Vol. 5, 646 pp., illus., 6 pls.
1910 Carter, H. F. 1910 Report on a collection of Culicidae from Cochin China. Entomologist43:274-276, illus.

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