Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
GeCol:Gestionnaire de collection biologique  ArIM - Arthropodes d'Intérêt Médical Logo IRD
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2020 Uddin Khan S, Ogden NH, Fazil AA, Gachon PH, Dueymes GU, Greer AL, Ng V 2020 Current and Projected Distributions of Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus in Canada and the U.S. Environmental Health Perspective, 128(5).
1940 Unti, 0vidio. 1940 Anofelinos do vale do Paraiba. Nota III. Biologia do Anofeles [sic] (Nyssorhynchus) strodei Root, 1926 com a descricao d'uma variedade nova. Anofeles [sic] (Nyssorhynchus) strodei ramosi var. n. Ann. Paulist. Med. Cir. 40(12):489-505.
1940 Unti, 0vidio. 1940 Anofelinos do vale do Paraiba. Nova variedade e ciclo evolutivo do Anofeles [sic] (Nyssorhynchus) osvaldoi var. ayrozai n. var. Ann. Paulist. Med. Cir. 40(11):377-392, illus.
1941 Unti, 0vidio. 1941 Anofelinos do vale do Rio Paraiba, Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) strodei Root 1926, com a descricao de tres variedades novas. Sao Paulo Serv. Profil. Mal. Trab. 33:3-18, illus.
1936 Urbino, C. M. 1936 The eggs of some Philippine Anopheles. Mon. Bull. Bur. Hlth. Philipp. 16:261-275, 6 pls.
1975 Utrio, P. 1975 Anopheles claviger (Meig.), Aedes pionips Dyar and A. beklemishevi Den. (Diptera, Culicidae) found in Finland. Notul. Ent. 55:63-64.
1976 Utrio P, 1976 Identification key to Finnish mosquito larvae (Diptera, Culicidae). Ann. Agr. Fenniae 15:128-136.
2014 Valderrama A 2014 Phylogeography of the Lutzomyia gomezi (Diptera: Phlebotominae) on the Panama Isthmus. Parasites & Vectors, 7:9
1973 Valencia JD. 1973 Mosquito studies (Diptera, Culicidae) XXXI. A revision of the subgenus Carrollia of Culex. Contr. Am. ent. Inst. 9(4):1-134.
2001 Van Bortel, W., R.E. Harbach, H-D. Trung, P. Roelants, T. Backeljau and M. Coosmans. 2001 confirmation of anopheles varuna in vietnam, previously misidentified and mistargeted as the malaria vector anopheles minimus american journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 65 (6):729-732.

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