Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1915 Christophers, S.R. and K. Chand. 1915 Notes on some anophelines from Arabia and Mesopotamia. Indian J. med. Res. 3:180-200, 2 pls.
1915 Stanton AT 1915 A new anopheline mosquito from Sumatra. Bull. ent.Res. 5:373-375, illus.
1915 Taylor, F. H. 1915 Contributions to a knowledge of Australian Culicidae. No. ii. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 40:176-184, 2 pls.
1915 Howard L.O., Dyar H.G., Knab F. 1915 The mosquitoes of North and Central America and the West Indies. Systematic description, part I. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. No. 159, Vol. 3, 523 pp. Washington, D.C.
1915 Edwards, F.W. 1915 Diagnoses of new Bornean Culicidae. Bull. Ent. Res. 5:283-285.
1916 D'Anfreville, L. 1916 Les moustiques de Sale, Maroc. Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 9:140-142, illus.
1916 Izquierdo, J. J. 1916 Investigaciones sobre paludismo en Puebla. Tesis, Col. Est. Puebla, 1-100.
1916 Brethes, J. 1916 Algunas notas sobre mosquitos Argentinos. An. Mus. nac., B. Aires 28:193-218, illus.
1916 Dyar H.G. 1916 Mosquitoes at San Diego, California. Insecutor Inscitle menstruus 4:46-51.
1916 Knab, F. 1916 The earliest name of the yellow fever mosquito. Insec.Inscit. menst. 4:59-60.

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