Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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2020 Van Der Beek, Dijkstra KDB, Van Der Hoorn BB, Boerlijst SP, Busscher L, Kok ML Et Al 2020 Taxonomy, ecology and distribution of the mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of the Dutch Leeward Islands, with a key to the adults and fourth instar larvae. Contributions to Zoology (2020) 1-19
1958 Van Den Assem, J. 1958 The larva and female of Culex (Lophoceraomyia) marksae King Hoogstraal (Diptera, Culicidae). Ent. Ber., Amst. 18:218-219, illus.
1958 Van Den Assem, J. 1958 Some notes on Ficalbia modesta King & Hoogstraal (Culicidae). Ent. Ber., Amst. 18:131-132, illus.
1958 Van Den Assem, J. 1958 Mansonia (Mansonioides) bonnewepsterae, spec. nov. (Culicidae) with notes on habits and breeding place. Trop. Geogr. Med. 10:205-212, illus.
1959 Van Den Assem 1959 Notes of new Guinean species of Tripteroides, subgenus Rachisoura (Diptera, Culicidae), with descriptions of two new species Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 102: 35–55.
2001 Van Bortel, W., R.E. Harbach, H-D. Trung, P. Roelants, T. Backeljau and M. Coosmans. 2001 confirmation of anopheles varuna in vietnam, previously misidentified and mistargeted as the malaria vector anopheles minimus american journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 65 (6):729-732.
1973 Valencia J.D. 1973 Mosquito studies (Diptera, Culicidae) XXXI. A revision of the subgenus Carrollia of Culex. Contributions of the American entomological Institute 9(4):1-134.
2014 Valderrama A 2014 Phylogeography of the Lutzomyia gomezi (Diptera: Phlebotominae) on the Panama Isthmus. Parasites & Vectors, 7:9
1976 Utrio P, 1976 Identification key to Finnish mosquito larvae (Diptera, Culicidae). Ann. Agr. Fenniae 15:128-136.
1975 Utrio, P. 1975 Anopheles claviger (Meig.), Aedes pionips Dyar and A. beklemishevi Den. (Diptera, Culicidae) found in Finland. Notul. Ent. 55:63-64.

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