Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1972 Trimble R.M. 1972 Occurence of Culiseta minnesotae and Aedes trivittatus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Manitoba includng a list of mosquitoes from Manitoba. The Canadian Entomologist 104:1535-1537.
1972 Vargas L. 1972 Clave para identificar generos de mosquitos de las Americas usando caracteres de las hembras. Boletin Informativo de la Direccion de Malariologia y Saneamiento Ambiental (Venezuela) 12(4-5):204-206.
1973 Tanaka, K. and K. Mizusawa. 1973 Two new species of the genus Aedes (Neomacleaya) from the Ryukyu Islands (Diptera, Culicidae). Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 16:625-638, illus., 2 pls.
1973 Narang, N., S. Narang, J. B. Kitzmiller, G. P. Sharma, and 0. P. Sharma. 1973 Evolutionary changes in the banding patterns of salivary gland chromosomes in the genus Anopheles, subgenus Cellia. J. med. Ent. 10:13-22, illus.
1973 Reinert, J. F. 1973 Aedes consonenis, A New Species of the Subgenus Neomacleaya from South Vietnam (Diptera: Culicidae. Mosq. Syst. Vol. 5(3):252-262.
1973 Reinert JF 1973 Notes on the genus Heizmannia and the inclusion in subgenus Mattinglyia of two species previously placed in Aedes subgenus uncertain (Diptera:Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. Vol. 5(1):14-23.
1973 Shevchenko, A. K. and N. S. Prudkina. 1973 On morphology of genitals in mosquito males from the Aedes genus. Vestnik Zoologii No. 6, pp. 40-47, illus. English Translation.
1973 Smith, S. M. and R. M. Trimble. 1973 The biology of tree-holes of Point Pelee National Park, Ontario. I. New mosquito records for Canada (Diptera: Culicidae). Can. Ent. 105:1585-1586.
1973 Hartberg W.K., Craig Jr. G.B. 1973 Gene-controlled morphological differences in male genitalia of Aedes aegypti and Aedes mascarensis (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. News 33:206-214, illus.
1973 Reinert, J.F. 1973 Contributions to the mosquito fauna of Southeat Asia. XVIII. A reconsideration of Diceromyia Theobald with the inclusion of Aedes nummatus Edwards and Aedes pseudonummatus new species (Diptera: Culicidae). Contr. Am. Entomol. Inst. 10(1):22-40.

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