Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1910 | Theobald F.W. 1910 A monograph of the Culicidae of the World. Sub-family Anophelinae. Vol. 5, 646 pp., illus., 6 pls. | |
1910 | Carter, H. F. 1910 Report on a collection of Culicidae from Cochin China. Entomologist43:274-276, illus. | |
1910 | Graham, W.M. 1910 On new species of West-African Culicidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Ist. (8) 5:264-273. | |
1910 | James, S.P. 1910 Notes on mosquitoes. Paludism (Simla) 1:33-38. | |
1910 | Newstead, R. and H. W. Thomas. 1910 The mosquitos of the Amazon region. Ann. trop. Med. Parasit. 4:141-150, 1 pl. | |
1910 | Watson, M. 1910 A new anopheline from the Federated Malay States. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasit. 4:251-253, illus. | |
1910 | Theobald FV 1910 Second report on the collection of Culicidae in the Indian Museum, Calcutta, with descriptions of new genera and species. Rec. Indian Mus. 4:1-33. | |
1910 | Gough, L.H. 1910 On a collection of Anopheles made at Onderstepoort in the autumn of 1909. Rep. Gov. Vet. Bact., Rep. Trasvaal Dep. Agr. 19D9-D9:115-121. | |
1910 | Wesché W 1910 On the larval and pupal stages of West African Culicidae. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 1(1) : 7-50. | |
1911 | Strickland,E. H. 1911 New species found in a small collection of mosquitoes from Tasmania. Entomologist 44: 6-13. |
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