Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1923 Barraud PJ 1923 A revision of the Culicine mosquitoes of India. Part V. Further notes on the genera Stegomyia Theo and Finlaya Theo. with description of new species. Indian J. Med. J, Calcutta, 11(1): 224-28
1923 Barraud PJ 1923 Some new Culicine mosquitos found in India, and a note on Finlaya assamensis (Theo) Bul. Entom. Res. 13(4): 405-08
1923 Barraud PJ 1923 Two new species of Culex (Diptera Culicidae) from Assam. Indian J. Med. Research, Calcutta,11(2): 507-09
1924 Barraud PJ. 1924 A new mosquito from mosquito from Kashmir Finlaya sintoni. India J. Med. Research 12(1): 73-74
1924 Barraud PJ 1924 A revision of the Culicinae mosquitoes of India. part XIV. The Indian species of the subgenus Culiciomyia (Theo.) Edw., including one new species. Indian J. Med. Res., Calcutta 12(1): 15-22.
1924 Barraud PJ 1924 A revision of the Culicine mosquitoes of Indai. Part X. The larvae of indian species of Lutzia Theo. Indian J. Med. Res., Calcutta, 11(4): 977-78
1924 Barraud PJ 1924 A revision of the Culicine mosquitoes of India. Part XII. Further descriptions of indian species of Culex L. including two new species. Indian J. Med Res. Calcutta J.11(4): 1259-74
1924 Barraud PJ 1924 A revision of the Culicine mosquitoes of India. Part XV. The indian species of the subgenus Lophoceratomyia (Theo.) Edw. including two new species. Indian J. Med. Res., Calcutta 12(1): 39-46
1924 Barraud PJ. 1924 Four new mosquitoes from the western Himalayas. Indian Journal Med. Res., Calcutta, 11(4): 999-1006
1927 Barraud PJ. 1927 A reviosn of the Culicine mosquitoes of India. PartXIX. The indian species of Aedeomyia and Orthopodomyia with decription of two new species. Indian J. Med. Res., Calcutta, 14(3): 523-32

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