Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1929 | Dyar, Harrison G. 1929 A new mosquito from the Philippine Islands. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 31:61-62. | |
1929 | Haga, J. 1929 Tabellen voor determinatie der in Nederlandsch-Oost-Indie voorkomende Anophelinen. (1930). Geneesk-Tijdschr. Ned.-Ind. 70:363-382. | |
1929 | Dyar, Harrison G. 1929 Remarks on the subgenus Phalangomyia of Culex Linn. (Diptera, Culicidae). Am. J. Hyg. 9:509-511. | |
1929 | Graham, D.H. 1929 Mosquitoes of the Auckland District. Trans. Proc. N. l. Inst. 60:205-244, illus. | |
1929 | Taylor , F. H. 1929 Notes on Australian Culicidae (Dipt.). Bull. Ent. Res. 20:271-277, 1 pl. | |
1929 | Dyar, Harrison G. 1929 A new species of mosquito from Montana with annotated list of the species known from the state. Proc. U. S. nat. Mus. 75(2794): 1-8. | |
1929 | Chowdhury, K.L. 1929 A new variety of protanopheline, A. barbirostris van der Wulp, var. ahomi, found in Upper Assam. Indian J. med. Res.16:986-988. | |
1929 | Edwards, F.W. 1929 Mosquito notes.- VIII. Bull. Ent. Res. 20:321-343, illus. | |
1929 | Brevet-Colonel S.R. Christophers 1929 Note on a collection of Anopheline and Culicine mosquitoes from Madeira and the Canary islands. Mosquitoes From Madeira And Canary Islands. | |
1929 | Root F.M. 1929 The present status ofour knowledge of the Nyssorhynchus group of Anopheline mosquitoes. Transactions of IVth Intern. Congress of Entomology 316-321. |
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