Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1927 | Covell G. 1927 A critical review of the data recorded regarding the transmission of malaria by different species of Anopheles; with notes on distribution, habits and breeding-places. Indian Medical Research Memoirs n°7, 117pp. | |
1927 | Shannon R.C., Del Ponte E. 1927 Cuatra notas sobre especies nuevas de Dipetras Nematoceros, Hematofagos o no, de la Republica Argentina. Rev. Inst. Bacterial. Buenos Aires 4(7):724-736. | |
1927 | Root F.M. 1927 Note of the mosquito fauna of the Republc of Haiti. American Journal of Hygiene 7(4):463-469. | |
1926 | Stschelkanovzev, J. 1926 Zur Kenntniss der Steckmucken Fauna von Sud-Ost RSFSR. Bull. Soc. Nat. Voroneje 1:123-134. | |
1926 | Dyar, Harrison G. 1926 The mosquitoes of the Americas. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. No. 387, 616 pp., 123 pls. + Errata and Addend.Wash., D. C. | |
1926 | Shingarev, N. I. 1926 New information on Culicidae of U.S.S.R. Trop. Med. Vet. (Moscow) 2:47-48. | |
1926 | Brethes, J. 1926 Contribucion para el conocimiento de los mosquitoes Argentinos. Descripcion de un nuevo Megarhinus: Megarhinus tucumanus. Bol. Ins. Clin. quir. B. Aires 2:318-321. | |
1926 | Root, F. M. 1926 Studies on Brazilian mosquitoes. I. The anophelines of the Nyssorhynchus group. Am. J. Hyg. 6:684-717, 9 pls. | |
1926 | Christophers, S.R. 1926 A. (Mysomyia) pattoni, a new Anopheles from Shan-tung, North China; with notes on some other species of Anopheles from the same locality. Indian J. med. Res. 13:871-877, 1 pl. | |
1926 | Komp, W.H.W. 1926 A Culex from Honduras. Insec. Inscit. menst. 14:44-45. |
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