Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1903 Thomson, F. W. 1903 Notes on the Culicidae of Dehra Dun. With a description of a new Mansonia, which mimics Anopheles. J. Trop. Med. 6:314-315, illus.
1903 Cogill, H. 1903 The Anopheles of Karwar (North Kanara). J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 15:327-336, 1 pl.
1903 Eysell A 1903 Aedes cinereus (Hoffmgg.) und Aedes leucopygos n. sp. Abh. Ver. Naturk. Kassel 48:285-306.
1903 Coquillett D.W. 1903 New Diptera from North America. Proceedings U.S.of the National Museum, 25:83-126.
1903 Theobald F.V. 1903 Notes on Culicidae and their larvae from Pecos, New Mexico, and description of a new Grabhamia. The Canadian Entomologist, 35:311-316.
1902 Theobald, F. V. 1902 A short description of the Culicidae of India, with descriptions of new species of Anopheles. Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. B, 69:367-394, illus., pl. 5.
1902 Laveran, A. 1902 Sur des culicides du Cambodge. C. R. Soc. Biol., Paris 54:906-908.
1902 Giles, G.M. 1902 A handbook of the gnats or mosquitoes giving the anatomy and life history of the Culicidae, together with descriptions of all species notices up to the present date. 2nd edition, rewritten and enlarged.J. Bale, sons and Danielsson, Ltd. London. xi + 530 pp., illus.
1902 James, S. P. 1902 Malaria in India. Sci. Mem. Med. Sanit. Dep. India (N S.) No. 2:1- 106.Calcutta.
1902 Doenitz, W. 1902 Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Anopheles. Z. Hyg. Infektkr. 41 15-88, 2 pls. English translation.

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