Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1912 Theobald, F. V. 1912 No. V. - Diptera, Culicidae. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. (2) 15:81-94, illus., 1 pl.
1955 Floch H., Fauran P. 1955 Nouveaux Culex en Guyane Française (VI). Culex (Melanoconion) patientiae n. sp. Culex (Carrollia) manaensis n. sp. Culex (Microculex) reginae n.sp. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Guyane l'Inini. 16(370)1-7.
1977 Danilov, V. N. 1977 On the synonymy of species names of Aedes mosquitoes (subgenera Finlaya and Neomelaniconion) in the Far East fauna. Parazitologiya 2(2):181-184. (In Russian).
1960 Forattini OP, Rabello EX 1960 Notas sobre Culicidae (Diptera). 2. A larva, a pupa e alguns dados biologicos de Aedes (Finlaya) fluviatilis Lutz, 1904. Arch. Fac. Hig. Saude publ., S. Paulo 14:87-94, illus.
1998 Brust, R.A., J. William, O. Ballard, F. Driver, D.M. Hartley, N.J. Galwayu and J. Curran. 1998 Molecular systematics, morphological analysis, and hybrid crossing identify a third taxon, Aedes (Halaedes) wardangensis sp. nov., of the Aedes (Halaedes) australis species-group (Diptera: Culicidae). Can. J. Zool. 76:1236-1244.
1987 Geoffroy B 1987 The Aedes (Aedimorphus) Domesticus Group (Diptera, Culicidae). I. New species, descriptions of Aedes bambiotai and Aedes bancoi. Mosq. Syst. Vol 19(1):100-110.
1970 Polyakova, P.E. 1970 Records of the bloodsucking mosquito fauna of Northern Siberia (Diptera, Culicinae). Fauna Sibiri (Akad. Nauk USSR), pp. 132 137. Edited by A. I. Cherepanov.
1992 Lane C.J. 1992 On a collection of Culicinae (Diptera: Culicidae) from Brazil. Mosquito Systematics 24(1):16-22.
1950 Rachou, R.G. and J. de Sousa. 1950 Do encontro de um exemplar de A. (M.) nigritarsis (Chagas, 1907) no Estado do Parana. Revta Bras. Malariol. 2(3):234-238, illus.
1980 Sirivanakarn Sunthorn, S. Heinemann. 1980 Description of the Hitherto Unknown Adult and Pupa of Culex (Melanoconion) simulator Dyar and Knab, and Redescription of its Larva (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst.Vol 12(1):41-49.

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