Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
GeCol:Gestionnaire de collection biologique  ArIM - Arthropodes d'Intérêt Médical Logo IRD
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2019 Diéguez-Fernández L, Monzón-Muñoz MV, Rodríguez-Flores J, Yorman-Barrios D, Barrientos-Juáre ME, Juárez-Sandova JA, Iannacone J 2019 Mansonia (Mansonia) titillans (Walker, 1848) and Aedeomyia (Aedeomyia) squamipennis (Arribalzaga, 1878) (Diptera Culicidae): two new records to Jutiapa, Guatemala. Neotropical Helminthology, 2019, 13(2), jul-dic:345-352
2019 Seger KR, Drummond A, Delgado D, Day CA, Sither CB Et Al 2019 Firt record of Mansonia dyari from Saint Croix, United State Virgin Islands. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 35(3):214–216
2019 Bou Aattour, Khrouf F, Rhim A, M'ghirbi Y 2019 First Detection of the Asian Tiger Mosquito, Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae), in Tunisia Journal of Medical Entomology, 20(10): 1–4.
2019 Ballardini M, Ferretti S, Chiaranz G, Pautasso A Et Al. 2019 First report of the invasive mosquito Aedes koreicus (Diptera: Culicidae) and of its establishment in Liguria, northwest Italy. Parasites Vectors, 12:33
2019 Toma T, Taira K, Oosiro A, Azama Y, Fukuchi Y, Miyagi I 2019 New taxonomic status of Tripteroides bambusa (Yamada), 1917 from Japan, based on experimental crossing and COI sequence divergence. Medical Entomology and Zoology 70(1): 15‒23.
2019 Chan-Chable R.J., Martinez-Arce A., Mis-Avila P.C., Ortega-Morales A.I. 2019 DNA barcodes and evidence of cryptic diversity of anthropophagous mosquitoes in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Ecology and Evolution 9:4692–4705.
2019 Rivera-Garcia K.D., Risquez-Perez A., Ibanez-Bernal S. 2019 Description of the pupa and additional characters of the fouth-instar larva, female, and male genitalia of Uranotaenia (Uranotaenia) coatzacoalcos Dyar & Knab, with keys for the identification of Mexican species of Unranotaenia (Diptera: Culicidae). Zootaxa 4608(2):247–260.
2019 Chan-Chable R.J., Behana-Besave H., Vazquez-Marroquin R. 2019 Nuevo registro de distribucion para Trichoprosopon digitatum (Rondani) (Diptera: Culicidae) en Quintana Roo, Mexico. Revista Chilena de Entomologia 45(4):669-672.
2019 Ortega-Morales A.I., Zavortink T.J., Huerta-Jimenez H., Ibanez-Bernal S., Siller-Rodriguez Q. 2019 The mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of Hidalgo state, Mexico. Acta Tropica 189:94–103.
2019 Ortega-Morales A.I., Mendez-Lopez R., Garza-Hernandez J., Gonzales-Alvarez V.H., Ruiz-Arrondo I., Huerta-Jimenez H., Rodriguez-Martinez L.M., Rodriguez-Perez M.A. 2019 The mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of Tabasco, Mexico. Journal of Vector Ecology, 44(1):57‒67.

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