Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1928 | Medschid. 1928 Ueber Aedes lepidonotus Edw. und Aedes refiki n. sp. Arch.Schiffs-u Tropenhyg. 32:306-315. | |
1928 | Evans, A.M. 1928 A new variety of Armigeres from Lagos, with descriptions of the larval and pupal stages. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasit. 22:39-42, illus. | |
1928 | Young, T. C. M. and S. A. Majid. 1928 A variety of Anopheles karwari collected in Coorg, S. India. Indian J. Med. Res. 16:468-471. | |
1928 | Edwards, F.W. 1928 Mosquito notes.- VII. Bull. Ent. Res. 18:267-284, illus. | |
1928 | Shingarev, N. I. 1928 Notes on Culicidae III. Trop. Med. Vet. (Moscow) 6:47-53. | |
1928 | Barraud PJ 1928 A revision of the Culicinae mosuitoes of India. PART XXIV. The Indian species of the subgenera Skusea and Aedes, with description of eight new species and remarks on a new method for identfying the females of the subgenus Aedes. Indian J. Med. Res., Calcutta.16(2) 357-75. | |
1928 | Galliard H 1928 Quelques Culicidés nouveaux pour la Corse, en particulier Culex impudicus Ficalbi Annales de Parasitologie, VI(4): 451-454. | |
1928 | Edwards FW 1928 Mosquito notes. VII. I. The varieties of Anopheles mauritianus. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 18 : 267-284. | |
1928 | Dyar HG 1928 The Mosquitoes of the Americas Carnegie Institution of Washington, N°387: 616 pp. | |
1927 | Evans AM 1927 A short illustrated guide to the anophelines of Tropical and South America. Memoir Liverpool School of Tropical Medecne (New Series) 3:1-79. |
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