Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1910 | Carter, H. F. 1910 Report on a collection of Culicidae from Cochin China. Entomologist43:274-276, illus. | |
1948 | Carter, H. F. and D. P. Wijesundara. 1948 Notes on some Ceylon culicine mosquitoes. Ceylon J. Sci. (B), 23:135-151, illus. | |
2016 | Carrizo Paez RE, Carrizo Paez MA, Murua AF 2016 Primer registro de Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) en San Juan, Argentina. ) Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 75 (1-2): 93-95, 201 | |
2018 | Carpio-Orantes L, Gonzalez-Clemente M, Lamothe-Aguilar T 2018 Zika and its vector mosquitoes in Mexico Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 11:317-319 | |
2000 | Carpintero, D. J. and M. N. Leguizamon 2000 UNA NUEVA ESPECIE DE MOSQUITO EN LA LA PROVINCIA DE BUENOS AIRES A ddes ( Oc hlerotatus ) jorgi. Nueva especie. Mariposa del Mundo 5:20-23. | |
2004 | Carpintero Diego-J., Leguizamon M. N. 2004 Description of a new Culex (Culex) species (Diptera: Culicidae) from La Pampa Province, Argentina, and a preliminary list of the mosquitoes of the province. Studia Dipterologica 11: 501-503. | |
1946 | Carpenter S.J., Middlekauff W., Chamberlain R.W. 1946 The mosquitoes of the Southern United States East of Oklahoma and Texas. American Midland Naturalist Monogr. 3, 292 pp., illus. Notre Dame Ind. | |
1955 | Carpenter S.J., LaCasse W.J. 1955 Mosquitoes of North America (North of Mexico). University of California Press, First Edition 1955, 496 pp., illus. 116 planches. | |
Carpenter Aedes dupreei, larve segment VIII | ||
2009 | Carnevale P., Robert V. 2009 Les anophèles. Biologie, transmission du Plasmodium et lutte antivectorielle. IRD Éditions (Marseille), 391 pp. |
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