Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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2020 Chan-Chable R.J., Martinez-Arce A., Ortega-Morales A.I., Mis-Avila P.C. 2020 New records and updated checklist of mosquito species in Quintana Roo, Mexico, using DNA-barcoding. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 36(4):264–268.
2019 Chan-Chable R.J., Martinez-Arce A., Mis-Avila P.C., Ortega-Morales A.I. 2019 DNA barcodes and evidence of cryptic diversity of anthropophagous mosquitoes in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Ecology and Evolution 9:4692–4705.
2018 Chan-Chable R.J., Martinez-Arce A., Mis-Avila P.C. 2018 Especies crípticas en Ochelerotatus Taeniorhynchus mediante revelación de código de barras. Cryptic species in Ochelerotatus Taeniorhynchus by barcode disclosure. Revista de Salud de Quintana Roo 11(38):7-11.
2018 Chan-Chable R.J., Martinez-Arcea A., Mis-Avila P.C., Ortega-Morales A.I. 2018 Confirmation of occurrence of Anopheles (Anopheles) veruslanei Vargas in Quintana Roo, Mexico using morphology and DNA barcodes. Acta Tropica 188:138–141.
2019 Chan-Chable R.J., Behana-Besave H., Vazquez-Marroquin R. 2019 Nuevo registro de distribucion para Trichoprosopon digitatum (Rondani) (Diptera: Culicidae) en Quintana Roo, Mexico. Revista Chilena de Entomologia 45(4):669-672.
2014 Chan A, Ciang L, Hapuarachchi H, Tan CH, Pang SC, Lee R, Lee KS, Lam-Phua SG 2014 DNA barcoding: complementing morphological identification of mosquito species in Singapore. Parasites & Vectors, 7:569
1955 Chamberlain, R.W., W.D. Sudia and D.B. Nelson 1955 Laboratory observations on a mosquito, Culiseta melanura (Coquillett). Mosquito News Vol 15(1):18-21.
1900 Chalmers AJ 1900 Uncomplicated aestivo-autumnal fever in Europeans in the Gold Coast Colony, West Africa. Lancet 2:1262-1264.
1907 Chagas, C. 1907 Novas especies de culicidos Brazieros. 28 pp. Besnard Freres, Rio de Janeiro.
1986 Chadee DD, Tikas Ungh ES 1986 The eggs of Culex (Carrollia) urichii (Coquillet) (Diptera: Culicidae) in Trinidad, WI. Mosquito Systematics, 18(3,4): 284-287.

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