Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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Année Référence Bibliographique Actions
1952 Baisas F E., Ubaldo-Pagayon 1952 Notes on Philippine mosquitoes, XVI Genus Tripteroides. Inst. Sci. Technol. Manila2: 198 pp.
1972 Gerberg, E. J. 1972 The type locality of Aedes (S.) simpsoni (Theobald). Mosq. Syst. 4(1):9.
1971 Darsie, R. F., Jr. and A. C. Ramos. 1971 A subspecies of Anopheles new to the Philippine Islands (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 73:399-400.
1920 Brunetti, E. 1920 atalogue of Oriental and South Asiatic Nemocera. Rec. Indian Mus. 17:1-300.
2004 Kirti, J.S. and J. Kaur 2004 Further Studies on two Indian Species of Subgenus Lutzia Theobald of genus culex Linnaeus (diptera: Culicidae). Entomon 29(1): 69-73.
1977 Huang YM 1977 The mosquitoes of Polynesia with a pictorial key to some species associated with filariasis and/or dengue fever. Mosq. Syst. 9(3):289-322
1967 Quate, L.W. and Quate, S.H. 1967 A monograph of Papuan Psychodidae, including Phlebotomus. Pacific Insects Monograph 15:216 pp.
1951 Breeland, S.G. 1951 The identification of the early larval instars of three common anophelines of southern Georgia, U.S.A. J. nat. Malar. Soc. 10:224-232.
1946 Perry, W.J. 1946 Keys to the larval and adult mosquitoes of Espiritu Santo (New Hebrides) with notes on their bionomics. Pan-Pacif. Ent. 22:9-18.
1968 Lien. J.C. 1968 New species of mosquitoes from Taiwan (Diptera: Culicidae). Part II. New species of Tripteroides, Orthopodomyia, Culiseta and Uranotaenia. Trop. Med. 10:1-20.

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