Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
GeCol:Gestionnaire de collection biologique  ArIM - Arthropodes d'Intérêt Médical Logo IRD
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Année Référence Bibliographique Actions
1947 Mendoza, J. B. 1947 Two more Philippine Anopheles in the Myzorhynchus series. Mon. Bull. Bur. Hlth. Philipp., Manila 23:171-184, illus.
1957 Meng, Ching-Hua. 1957 The taxonomy, biology and control of Chinese anopheline mosquitoes. People's Hygiene Press.Peking.
1958 Meng, Ching-Hua. 1958 A new species of Culex . Acta ent. Sinica 8:351-354, illus.
1981 Meng, Ching-Hua. 1981 A proposed system of classification of Aedes chrysolineatus and related species. (In Chinese). Entomotaxonomia 3:243-254.
1980 Meng Qinghua and Chen Han-Bin. 1980 Arguments on the taxonomic positions of six species of Culex from China. (In Chinese). Entomotaxonomia 2:161-164.
1940 Menon MA 1940 A description and comparative study of the fourth instar larvae of Mansonia (Mansonioides) uniformis (Theobald), and Mansonia (Mansonioides) annulifera (Theobald), including a synoptic table for the identification of the larvae of the Indian species of the subgenus Mansonioides Theobald, 1907 (Diptera, Culicidae). J. Malar. Inst. India 3:179-184.
1959 Menon MA, Tampi MRV 1959 Notes on the feeding and egg- laying habits of Ficalbia (Mimomyia) chamberlaini, Ludlow 1904. (Diptera, Culicidae). Ind. J. Malar. 13:13-18, illus., 1 pl.
1938 Menon, M. A. U. 1938 The egg of Ficalbia (Mimomyia) hybrida Leicester. J. Malar. Inst. India 1:185-186, 1 pl.
1944 Menon MAU 1944 On a new species of the subgenus Lophoceratomyia Theobald 1905 (Diptera Culicidae). J. Malar. Inst. India 5:389-393, illus.
1950 Menon MAU 1950 The male of a new species of the subgenus Aedes Meigen, 1818 (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (B) 19:139-141, illus.

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