Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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Année Référence Bibliographique Actions
1946 Pratt HD 1946 The genus Uranotaenia Lynch Arribalzaga in Puerto Rico. Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 39:576-584
1938 Komp, W. H. W. and H. W. Kumm. 1938 A new species of Haemagogus, mesodentatus, from Costa Rica, and a description of the larva of Haemagogus anastasionis Dyar (Diptera, Culicidae). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 40:253 259.
1968 Duret, J.P. 1968 Dos especies nuevas de Culex (Culex) de la Argentina (Diptera, Culicidae). Physis 27:323-328, illus.
1978 Taylor, B. and M. Maffi. 1978 A Review of the Mosquito Fauna of the Solomon Islands. Pacific Insect.19(3-4):165-248.illus.
1955 Tung, L. H. 1955 On three new species of mosquitoes from Kiangsi Province, China. Acta Ent. Sinica 5:309-315, illus.
1949 Gapuz, R.B. and D. Santiago. 1949 A supplementary guide for rapid identification of larvae of Anopheles minimus flavirostris (Ludlow) and Anopheles mangyanus (Banks). Philipp. J. Sci. 78:127-133, 4 pls.
1962 Pillai JS 1962 A celloidin impression technique for recording egg sculpturing in Aedes mosquitoes. Nature 194:212-213.
1929 Da Costa Lima, A. 1929 Sobre alguns anophelineos encontrados no Brasil. Suppl. Mem. Inst. Osw. Cruz 12:275-293, 18 pls.
1975 Hartberg, W. K. 1975 Comments on Reproductive Isolation and Phylogeny of Mosquitoes of the Genus Aedes. Mosq. Syst.Vol 7(3):193-206.
1960 Worth CB, De Meillon B 1960 Culicine mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) recorded from the province of Mocambique (Portuguese East Africa) and their relationship to Arthropod-borne viruses. Anais Inst. Med. trop. 17:231-256.

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