Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1959 Marks, E.N. 1959 The subgenus Ochlerotatus in the Australian region (Diptera: Culicidae). II. Five new species from Western Australia. Pap. Dept. Ent. Univ. Qd 1:111-134
1959 Service, M. W. 1959 A new species of the genus Aedes from southern Nigeria. Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (B) 28:73-76, illus.
1959 Menon MA, Tampi MRV 1959 Notes on the feeding and egg- laying habits of Ficalbia (Mimomyia) chamberlaini, Ludlow 1904. (Diptera, Culicidae). Ind. J. Malar. 13:13-18, illus., 1 pl.
1959 Stone A., Knight K.L., Starcke H. 1959 A synoptic catalog of the mosquitoes of the world (Diptera, Culicidae). Volume 6 de Thomas Say Foundation monographs, publication Entomological Society of America: 358 pp.
1959 Sandosham, A. A. 1959 Malariology with special reference to Malaya. 327 pp., illus. Univ. Malay, Singapore.
1959 Peters, W. 1959 Mosquitoes of New Guinea (Diptera: Culicidae). Part II. Notes on Tripteroides Giles, 1904. Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. (B)28:135-154, illus.
1959 Hara, J. 1959 Taxonomical notes on the female terminalia of some anopheline mosquitoes of Japan and Formosa. Taxonomic and ecological studies on mosquitoes of Japan (Part 12). Jap. J. Exp. Med. 29:107-119, illus.
1959 Labuda, M 1959 A new species of Anopheles from a rain-forest in eastern Belgian Congo. Trop. and geogr. Med. 11:147-156
1959 Martinez, A., A. F. Prosen, and R. U. Carcavallo. 1959 Algunos culici dos interesantes de la R. Argentina (Diptera, Culicidae). An.Inst Med.. reg. 5:109-120.
1959 Mattingly, P.F. 1959 The culicine mosquitoes of the Indomalayan Area. Part IV. Genus Aedes Meigen, subgenera Skusea Theobald, Diceromyia Theobald, Geoskusea Edwards and Christophersiomyia Barraud. Brit. Mus. nat. Hist., London. pp. 1-61.

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