Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1982 Lambert, D.M. and M. Coetzee. 1982 A dual genetic and taxonomic approach to the resolution of the mosquito taxon, Anophe1es (Ce1lia) marsha1lii (Culicidae). Syst. Entomol. 7:321-331.
1986 Lambert M, Rioux JA, Belmonte A, Balard Y 1986 Deinocerites magnus (Diptera Culicidae) Mise en évidence du caractère autogène et description de la structure chorionique de l’œuf. Ann. Parasitol. Hum. Comp., , 61 (3) : 379-385.
1954 Lambrecht, F. L. 1954 Anopheles (Christya) implexus, Theobald. Description de la variete locale de la vallee du Mosso (Urundi). Rev. Zool. Bot. afr. 50:204-209
1971 Lambrecht FL 1971 Notes on the ecology of Seychelles mosquitoes. Bull. Ent. Res. 60: 513-532.
1951 Lambrecht FL, Leleup 1951 Note concernant la variabilité d'Anopheles (Pyretophorus) christyi Newstead et Carter. Rev. Zool. Bot. afr. 44:328-332.
1971 Lambrecht FL, Van Someren ECC 1971 Mosquitoes of the Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean. Southeast Asian J. Trop. Med. pub. Health2: 483-485.
2018 Lam-Phua SG, Yeo H, Mee-Lian Lee R, Chong CS, Rueda LM, Pecor J, Harrison BA 2018 Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of Singapore: Updated Checklist and New Records Journal of Medical Entomology, XX(X), 2018, 1–17
1982 Lam Siong Yeng B. 1982 Tripteroides aranoides in two pitcher plants, Nepenthes ampullaria Jack and N. gracilis Korth, at Kent Ridge (Diptera: Culicidae). rapport University of Singapore Dept of Zoology, feb 1982
Lane Aedes scapularis. Larva, Head and terminal abdominal segment (fig 660, Lane 1953).
Lane Aedes scapularis. Mâle : genitalia (Lane 1953 fig 658).

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