Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1982 | Lambert, D.M. and M. Coetzee. 1982 A dual genetic and taxonomic approach to the resolution of the mosquito taxon, Anophe1es (Ce1lia) marsha1lii (Culicidae). Syst. Entomol. 7:321-331. | |
1986 | Lambert M, Rioux JA, Belmonte A, Balard Y 1986 Deinocerites magnus (Diptera Culicidae) Mise en évidence du caractère autogène et description de la structure chorionique de l’œuf. Ann. Parasitol. Hum. Comp., , 61 (3) : 379-385. | |
1954 | Lambrecht, F. L. 1954 Anopheles (Christya) implexus, Theobald. Description de la variete locale de la vallee du Mosso (Urundi). Rev. Zool. Bot. afr. 50:204-209 | |
1971 | Lambrecht FL 1971 Notes on the ecology of Seychelles mosquitoes. Bull. Ent. Res. 60: 513-532. | |
1951 | Lambrecht FL, Leleup 1951 Note concernant la variabilité d'Anopheles (Pyretophorus) christyi Newstead et Carter. Rev. Zool. Bot. afr. 44:328-332. | |
1971 | Lambrecht FL, Van Someren ECC 1971 Mosquitoes of the Chagos Archipelago, Indian Ocean. Southeast Asian J. Trop. Med. pub. Health2: 483-485. | |
2018 | Lam-Phua SG, Yeo H, Mee-Lian Lee R, Chong CS, Rueda LM, Pecor J, Harrison BA 2018 Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of Singapore: Updated Checklist and New Records Journal of Medical Entomology, XX(X), 2018, 1–17 | |
1982 | Lam Siong Yeng B. 1982 Tripteroides aranoides in two pitcher plants, Nepenthes ampullaria Jack and N. gracilis Korth, at Kent Ridge (Diptera: Culicidae). rapport University of Singapore Dept of Zoology, feb 1982 | |
Lane Aedes scapularis. Larva, Head and terminal abdominal segment (fig 660, Lane 1953). | ||
Lane Aedes scapularis. Mâle : genitalia (Lane 1953 fig 658). |
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