Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1934 Hackett, L.W. 1934 The present status of our knowledge of the subspecies of Anopheles maculipennis. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 28:109-128, illus.
1907 Romero Sierra, J. M. 1907 Contribucion al estudio de los mosquitos de Caracas. Tesis No.67. Fac. Cien. med. Univ. Centr. Venezuelapp.[11]-55, illus.
2000 Harbach R.E., Peyton E.L. 2000 Systematics of Onirion, a new genus of Sabethini (Diptera: Culicidae) from the Neotropical region. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum of London (Entomology) 69(2):115-169.
1949 Reid, J.A. 1949 A preliminary account of the forms of Anopheles leucosphyrus Doenitz (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. (B) 18:42-53, illus.
1927 Root F.M. 1927 Studies on Brazilian mosquitoes. II. Chagasia fajardoi. American Journal of Hygiene. 7:470-480, 4 pls.
1957 Hamon J, Holstein M, Rivola E 1957 Description d'un nouveau moustique du Congo Belge: Culex (Neoculex) vinckei sp. n. Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. 50:681-685.
1794 Fabricius, J.C. 1794 Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. Vol. 4, 472 pp. Hafniae [=Copenhagen].
1941 Kumm, H.W. 1941 The eggs of some Costa Rican anophelines. Am. J. Trop. Med. 21:91-102.
1961 Douglas, G. W. 1961 Notes on Australian mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae). 1. The life history of Aedomyia venustipes (Skuse). (1962).Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 86:262-267, illus.
1972 Reinert, J. F. 1972 Description of the Egg of Aedes (Diceromyia) furcifer (Edwards) (Diptera:.Culicidae). Mosq. Syst.Vol4(3):87-89.

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