Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
GeCol:Gestionnaire de collection biologique  ArIM - Arthropodes d'Intérêt Médical Logo IRD
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1918 Dyar H.G., Knab F. 1918 Bromelicolous Anopheles - a correction (Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. Inscit. Menst. 6:140-141.
1918 Dyar H.G., Knab F. 1918 The genus Culex in the United States (Diptera, Culicidae). Insecutor Inscitle menstruus 5:170-183.
1921 Dyar HG, Knab F 1921 A note on two Panama mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae). Military Surgeon 48:677-680.
1924 Dyar H.G., Shannon R.C. 1924 New Culex from Panama (Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. Inscit. menst. 12:46-48.
1924 Dyar H.G., Shannon R.C. 1924 The American species of Uranotaenia (Diptera, Culicidae). Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus 12:187‒192.
1983 Dyce AL, Wirth WW 1983 Reappraisal of some indian Culicoides species in the subgenus Avarita (Diptera : Ceratopogonidae). International Journal of Entomology, 25(2-3) : 221-225.
2010 Dzul-Manzanilla F., Manrique Saide P., Che Mendoza A., Rebollar Tellez E. 2010 Mosquitos de Yucatan. non renseigné (?)
1965 Eads R.B., Campos E.G., Treving H.A. 1965 Mosquitoes recovered from Mexican ships entering quarantine at Brownville, Texas. Mosquito News 25(1):64-65.
1918 Eckstein, F. 1918 Zur Systematik der einheimischen Stechmuecken. Zbl. Bakt., Abt. 1, Orig. 82:57-68.
1928 Edwards, F.W. and D.H.C. Given. 1928 The early stages of some Singapore mosquitos. Bull. Ent. Res. 18:337-357, illus.

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