Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1975 Pletsch D.J. 1975 Mosquito investigation and control in tourist development areas in Mexico: 1. Technical bases for, and initiation of, anti-mosquito measures in Cancun, Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula. New Jersey Mosquito Extermination Association: Proceedings of Sixty-Second Annual Meeting: 197-201.
1974 Vargas L. 1974 Bilingual key to the New World genera of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) based upon the fourth stage larvae. California Vector News 21(5):15–18.
1973 Knight K.L., Pugh R.B. 1973 A bibliography of the mosquito publications of Fred V. Theobald (1868-1930). Mosquito Systematics 5(3):230-234.
1972 Vargas L. 1972 Clave para identificar generos de mosquitos de las Americas usando caracteres de las hembras. Boletin Informativo de la Direccion de Malariologia y Saneamiento Ambiental (Venezuela) 12(4-5):204-206.
1972 Trimble R.M. 1972 Occurence of Culiseta minnesotae and Aedes trivittatus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Manitoba includng a list of mosquitoes from Manitoba. The Canadian Entomologist 104:1535-1537.
1972 Smithson T.W. 1972 Species rank for Anopheles franciscanus based on failure of hybridization with Anopheles pseudopuntipennis pseudopuntipennis. Journal of Medical Entomology 9(6):501-505.
1972 Bright D.B., Hogue C.L. 1972 A synopsis of the burrowing land crabs of the world and list of their arthropod symbionts and burrow associates. Contributions in Science 220:1-58.
1971 Suarez Torres G. 1971 Reunion de directores de los Servicios Nacionales de Erradication de la Malaria de las Americas. Informe de labores (5-9 novembre 1971, Salvador, Republica de El Salvador). Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Comision Nacional para la Erradicacion del Paludismo (CNEP): Novembre 1971 (Salvador), 42 pp.
1971 Pletsch D.J. 1971 Latin America-Caribbean region Mosquito News 31(3):343-344.
1970 Schick R.X. 1970 Mosquito studies (Diptera, Culicidae). XXIII. Additions and corrections to the revision of the Aedes terrens Group. Contributions of the American Entomological Institute 7(1):13-32, illus., 8 figs.

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