Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
GeCol:Gestionnaire de collection biologique  ArIM - Arthropodes d'Intérêt Médical Logo IRD
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1944 Menon MAU 1944 On a new species of the subgenus Lophoceratomyia Theobald 1905 (Diptera Culicidae). J. Malar. Inst. India 5:389-393, illus.
1944 Causey, O. R., L. M. Deane, and M. P. Deane. 1944 An illustrated key to the eggs of thirty species of Brazilian anophelines, with several new descriptions. Am. J. Hyg. 39:1-7, illus.
1944 Cook, E.F. 1944 The morphology of the larval heads of certain Culicidae (Diptera). Microentomology 9:38-68, illus.
1944 belkin j n schlosser r j 1944 a new species of anopheles from the solomon islands journal of the washington academy of science. 34(8) p.268-273
1944 Bohart, R. M. and D. S. Farner. 1944 New culicine mosquitoes from the . Philippine Islands (Diptera, Culicidae). Proc. biol. Soc. Wash. 57:69-74, illus.
1944 Lewis, D.J. 1944 A new subspecies of Aedes leesoni Edwards (Dipt. Culicidae) from the Sudan. Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (B) 13:27-29.
1944 Michener, C. D. 1944 Differentiation of females of certain species of Culex by the cibarial armature. J. N. Y. ent. Soc. 52:263-266, illus.
1944 Floch, H. & E. Abonnenc. 1944 Phlebotomes de Guyane Francaise. (VII). Description de six especes nouvelles. Inst. Pasteur Guyane. Publ. No. 80, 20 p.
1944 Levi-Castillo, R. 1944 El complejo'Pseudopunctipennis'en el Ecuador (Diptera- Culicidae). Guayaquil Univ. Sept. 28:1-7.
1944 Barreto P, Coutinho JO 1944 Sobre o genero taeniorhynchus arribalzaga, 1891, com a descricao de tres novas especies do subgenero taeniorhynchus. Arquivos de higiene e saude publica. 9(21) p.51-86

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