Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1904 James, S. P. and W. G. Liston. 1904 A monograph of the Anopheles mosquitoes of India. vThacker, Spick & Co.1-182.Calcutta.
1904 Lahille, F. 1904 Notes sur la classification des moustiques. Actas y trabajos del Segundo Congreso Medico Latino-Americano (Buenos Aires) 2:71-96
1904 Giles GM 1904 Notes on some collections of mosquitoes received from abroad. J. Trop. Med. 7:381-384, illus.
1904 Ludlow, C.S. 1904 Concerning some Philippine mosquitoes. Can. Ent. 36:69-72.
1904 Laveran, MA. 1904 Anopheles et paludisme a Madagascar. Prophylaxie du paludisme Bull. Acad. Med., Paris (3)52:197-218.
1904 Giles, G. M. 1904 Notes on some collections of mosquitoes, &c, received from the Philippine Islands and Angola; with some incidental remarks upon classification. J. trop. Med. 7:365-369, illus.
1904 McCracken, I. 1904 Anopheles in California, with description of a new species. Ent. News 15:9-14, 1 pl.
1904 Giles GM 1904 A revision of the Anophelinae, being a first supplement to the second edition of 'A handbook of the gnats of mosquitoes.' J. Bale, sons and Danielsson, Ltd. London. 47 pp., illus.
1904 Dyar, Harrison G. 1904 Brief notes on mosquito larvae. J. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 12: 172-174; 243-246.
1904 Speiser, P. 1904 Zur nomenclatur blutsaugender Dipteren Amerikas. In sektenborse 21:148.

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