Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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2023 Reeves LE, Sloyer KE, Tyler-Julian K, Heinig R, Rosales A, Domingo C, Burkett-Cadena ND 2023 Culex (Phenacomyia) lactator (Diptera: Culicidae) in southern Florida, USA: a new subgenus and species country record Journal of Medical Entomology, 1–9
2023 Harbach RE, Wilkerson RC 2023 The insupportable validity of mosquito subspecies (Diptera: Culicidae) and their exclusion from culicid classification Zootaxa 5303: 1–30 , ISBN 978-1-77688-796-5
2023 Ortega-Morales AI, Hernández-Triana M, Siller-Rodríguez QK 2023 The Mosquitoes of Querétaro, Mexico: Distribution, Ecology, and Discovery of Shannoniana huasteca n. sp. (Diptera: Culicidae). Diversity 15, 697. d15060697
2023 Rakotonirina A, Maquart PO, Flamand C, Sokha C, Boyer S 2023 Mosquito diversity (Diptera: Culicidae) and medical importance in four Cambodian forests. Parasite & Vector.
2023 Harbach RE 2023 Recognition of Lasioconops Theobald, 1903 and Oculeomyia Theobald, 1907 as separate subgenera of the genus Culex Linnaeus, 1758 (Diptera: Culicidae). Zootaxa 5319 (4): 595–599.
2023 Talaga S., Le Goff G., Arana-Guardia G., Baak-Baak C.M., Garcia-Rejon J.E., Garcia-Suarez O., Rodriguez-Valencia V.M., Tolsa-Garcia M.J., Suzan G., Roiz D. 2023 The mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula: a comprehensive review on the use of taxonomic names. Journal of Medical Entomology, XX(XX), décembre 2023, 1–35
2023 Kowo C, Mayi MPA, Gouveia De Almeida AP, Focha D, Elad M Et Al. 2023 Descriptions of a new Aedes species and subspecies of the subgenus Aedimorphus, from southwest Cameroon and updated key for the species of the “Domesticus group”. 1 African Entomology 31: e15181.
2023 Miyagi I, Toma T, Okazawa T, Fui Wong S 2023 A new species of the genus Topomyia Leicester (Diptera: Culicidae) from Sarawak, Malaysia. 〔Med. Entomol. Zool. Vol. 74(4): 139‒145 , DOI: 10.7601/mez.74.13
2024 Villeneuve CA, Snyman LP, Jenkins EJ, Lecomte N, Dusfour I, Leighton PA 2024 Variable performance of DNA barcoding and morphological characteristics for the identification of Arctic black legged Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae), with a focus on the Punctor subgroup. Arthropod Systematics & Phylogeny 82, 2024, 17–34 | DOI 10.3897/asp.82.e111985
2024 Lardeux F, Boussès P, Tejerina-Lardeux R, Berger A, Barnabé C, Garcia L 2024 First concrete documentation for presence of Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus in Bolivia: Dispelling previous anecdotes. version posted March 19, 2024.; preprint

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