Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1957 Roubaud, M. E. 1957 Biologie des moustiques - Sur l'existence de deux entités biologiques distinctes dans la définition du moustique commun rural, Culex pipiens pipiens. Biologie des moustiques - Sur l'existence de deux entities biologiques distinctes dans la definition du moustique commun rural, Culex pipiens pipiens.
1939 Roy, D. N. and L. B. Siddons. 1939 Egg of A. philippinensis Ludl. J. Malar. Inst. India 2:159-164, illus.
1941 Rozeboom, L. E. and A. Gabaldon. 1941 A summary of the 'tarsimaculatus' complex of Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae). Am. J. Hyg. 33(C):88-100, 4 pls.
1946 Rozeboom, L. E. and K. L. Knight. 1946 The punctulatus complex of Anopheles (Diptera: Culicidae). J. Parasit. 32:95-131, illus.
1948 Rozeboom, L. E. and W. H. W. Komp. 1948 Three new species of Culex (Diptera: Culicidae) from Colombia. J. Parasit. 34:396-406, illus.
1935 Rozeboom, L. E. 1935 Culex rooti, a new Culex from Panama (Diptera: Culicidae). Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 28:251-253, illus.
1938 Rozeboom, L. E. 1938 The eggs of the Nyssorhynchus group of Anopheles(Culicidae) in Panama. Am. J. Hyg. 27:95-107, illus.
1940 Rozeboom, L.E. 1940 Flebotomus suis, a new Flebotomus from Panama (Diptera: Psychodidae). Amer.J. Hyg. 32, Sect. C:8-11.
1941 Rozeboom L.E. 1941 Distribution and ecology of the Anopheles mosquitoes of the Caribbean Region. American Association for the Advancement of Science 15:98-107.
1942 Rozeboom L.E. 1942 Subspecific variations among Neotropical Anopheles mosquitoes, and their importance in the transmission of malaria. American Journal of Tropical Medicine 22(3):235-255, illus.

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