Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1948 Vargas L., Downs W.G. 1948 Dos especies de Wyeomyia nuevas para Mexico. Descripcion de la pupa de Wyeomyia (Dendromyia) pseudopecten. Revta. Inst. Salubr. Enferm. Trop., Mex. 9:95-97, 1 pl.
1948 Knight, K. L. and R. W. Chamberlain. 1948 A new nomenclature for the chaetotaxy of the mosquito pupa, based on a comparative study of the genera (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. helm. Soc. Wash. 15:1-18.
1948 Floch, 262 1948 Phlébotomes du Venezuela-ll. Description de P. atroclavatus Knab, 1913, de P. evansi Nunez-Tovar, 1924, de P. cayennensis Floch et Abonnenc:, 1941, de P. baduelensis Floch et Abonnenc:, 1941, de P. punctigenlculatus Floch et Abonnenc, 1944. de P. venezuelensisn. sp. et de P. zuliaensls n. sp.
1948 Senevet G. 1948 Anopheles pessoai en Guyane francaise. Description de la nymphe. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Alger. 26:280-287.
1948 Senevet, G. 1948 A propos de Anopheles (Nssorhynchus) ininii Senevet et Abonnenc, 1938. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Alger. 26:277-279.
1948 Rings, R.W. and S.O. Hill. 1948 The taxonomic status of Aedes mathesoni (Diptera, Culicidae). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 50:41-49, illus.
1948 Wolfs, J. 1948 Taeniorhynchus (Coquillettidia) schoutedeni n. sp. (Culic.). Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. 40:244-247.
1948 Wolfs, J. 1948 Taeniorhynchus (Coquillettidia) vanoyei sp. n. (Dipt. Culicidae). Rev. Zool. Bot. Afr. 41:83-86.
1948 Colless, D.H. 1948 The anopheline mosquitoes of northwest Borneo. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 73:71-119, illus.
1948 Rozeboom, L. E. and W. H. W. Komp. 1948 Three new species of Culex (Diptera: Culicidae) from Colombia. J. Parasit. 34:396-406, illus.

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