Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1935 De Oliveira Castro, G. M. 1935 Estudo sobre uma especie de 'Limatus' que se cria em buracos de pau (Dipt., Culicidae). Revta Dep. Nac. Prod. Anim., Rio. de J. 2:143-155, illus.
1932 De Oliveira Castro, G. M. 1932 Estudo sobre uma especie de Culex, que se em buracos de guayamu (Dipt., Culicidae). Revta Ent., Rio de J. 2:143-155, illus.
1955 Denisova, Z. M. 1955 New aspect of Aedes (Ochlerotatus). Med. Parasit., Moscow 24:58-61, illus.
1918 De Mello F 1918 Anopheles folquei n. sp. (Nouvelle espèce anophéline trouvée dans notre province de Pragana). Ann. sci. Fac. Med., Porto 4:3 63-371
2020 De Mello CF, Alencar J 2020 Ultrastructure of the egg of Coquillettidia venezuelensis (Theobald) (Diptera: Culicidae). Zootaxa, vol 4894 (3): DOI:
1957 de Meillon B, Paterson HE, Muspratt J 1957 Studies on arthropod-Borne viruses of Tongaland. Notes on the more common mosquitoes. The South African journal of medical sciences, 22 : 47-53.
1945 De Meillon B, Parent M, Black LOC 1945 Descriptions of new larvae and pupae of ethiopian Culicini Bulletin of Entomological Research, 36(1): 85-101
1940 De Meillon B, Leeson HS 1940 Notes on Ethiopian Anophelini. Bull. Ent.Res. 31:61-67, illus.
1977 De Meillon, B., G. J. Van Eeden, L. Coetzee, M. Coetzee, R. Meiswinkel, C. L. N. Du Toit and C. F. Hansford. 1977 Observations on a species of the Anopheles funestus subgroup, a suspected exophilic vector of malaria parasites in northeastern Transvaal, South Africa. Mosq. News 37(4):657-661, illus.
1956 de Meillon B 1956 Aspects of malaria vector research in Africa. Bulletin de l'Organisation Mondiale de la Sant?, 15 : 847-851.

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