Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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2000 Eritja R., Aranda RC, J. Padros, M. Goula, J. Lucientes, R. Escosa, E. Marques, Caceres F. 2000 An Annotated Checklist and Bibliography of the Mosquitoes of Spain (diptera: Culicidae). European Mosquito Bulletin (8): 10.
1967 Eouzan JP, Ferrara L, Rickenbach A 1967 Description du mâle, de la larve et de la nymphe de Ficalbia (Etorleptiomyia) xanthozona Van Someren, 1948 (Diptera, Culicidae). Ent. Med. Cah. ORSTOM 5: 223-227.
1969 Eouzan JP 1969 Description du mâle de Culex (Culiciomyia) grenieri sp. II -(Diptera, Culicidae). cah. ORSTOM, sér. Ent. méd. et Parasitol., 7(3): 1978 : 163-166.
1977 Enfield, M. A. 1977 Additions and corrections to the records of Aedes mosquitoes in Alberta. Mosq. News 37(1) :82-85.
1920 Enderlein, Gunther. 1920 Die culiciden-fauna Madagascars. Wien. Ent. Ztg. 38:47-52.
1931 Enderlein, G. 1931 Zwei neue Toxohynchites aus dem Kongogebiete. Zool. Anz.
1923 Enderlein, G. 1923 Zur Kenntnis afrikanischer und orientalischer Culiciden. Wien. Ent. Ztg.40:25-29, illus.
1973 Ellis, R. A. and R. A. Brust. 1973 Sibling species delimitation in the Aedes communis (Degeer) aggregate (Diptera: Culicidae). Can. J. Zool.51:915-959, illus.
1989 Eldridge, B. F. and R.E. Harbach. 1989 Culex stigmatosoma Dyar, 1907 and C. thriambus Dyar, 1921 (Insecta, Diptera): proposed conservation of the specific names by the suppression of C. peus Speiser, 1904. Bull. Zool. Nomencl.46:247-249.
1941 Edwards, F.W. 1941 Mosquitoes of the Ethiopian Region. III.- Culicine adults and pupae. British Museum (Natural History), London. 499 pp., illus., 4 pls.

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