Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1973 Hartberg W.K., Craig Jr. G.B. 1973 Gene-controlled morphological differences in male genitalia of Aedes aegypti and Aedes mascarensis (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. News 33:206-214, illus.
1975 Hartberg, W. K. 1975 Comments on Reproductive Isolation and Phylogeny of Mosquitoes of the Genus Aedes. Mosq. Syst.Vol 7(3):193-206.
1972 Harrison, Bruce A. 1972 A New Interpretation of Affinities within the Anopheles hyrcanus Complex of Southeast Asia. II. Mosq. Syst.Vol4(3):73-83.
2008 Harrison B.A., Varnado W., Whitt P.B., Goddard J. 2008 New diagnostic characters for females of Psorophora (Janthinosoma) species in the United States, with notes on Psorophora mexicana (Bellardi) (Diptera: Culicidae). Journal of Vector Ecology 33(2):232-237.
1975 Harrison BA, Scanlon JE 1975 Medical Entomology studies - II The subgenus Anopheles in Thailand Contrib. Amer. Ent. Inst., vol. 12(1)
2012 Harrison BA, Ruiz-Lopez F, Calderon-Falero G, Savage HM, Pecor JE, Wilkerson RC 2012 Anopheles (Kerteszia) lepidotus (Diptera: Culicidae), not the malaria vector we thought it was: Revised male and female morphology; larva, pupa, and male genitalia characters; and molecular verification Zootaxa. 2012 March 1; 3218: 1–17
1991 Harrison, B.A., R. Rattanarithikul, E.L. Peyton and K. Mongkolpanya. 1991 Taxonomic changes, revised occurrence records and notes on the Culicidae of Thailand and neighboring countries. Mosq. Syst. (1990) 22(3):196-227.
1990 Harrison BA, Rattanarithikul R, Peyton EL, Mongkolpanya K 1990 Taxonomic changes, revised occurrence records, and notes on the Culicidae of Thailand and neighboring countries. Mosq. Syst. 22: 196–227.
1975 Harrison BA, Klein JM 1975 A revised list of the Anopheles of Cambodia. Mosq. Syst. 7(1):9-12.
1974 Harrison, B. A., J. F. Reinert, Sunthorn S, Y-M. Huang, E. L. Peyton and B. de Meillon. 1974 Distribution and Biological Notes on Mosquitoes from Sri Lanka (Ceylon) (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. Vol 6(2):142-162.

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