Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1966 Ribeiro, H. 1966 Research on the mosquitoes of Angola (Diptera: Culicidae). II- Some new culicine records. Anais Inst. Med. Trop. 23:163-166, illus.
1966 Cova Garcia, P., E. Sutil Oramas,and J. A. Rausseo. 1966 Mosquitos (Culicinos) de Venezuela. I. Caracas. Pub. Min. San. Asist. Soc. I: 1-410,illus.
1966 Pillai, J.S. 1966 Culiseta noveezealandiae, a new species of the subgenus Climacura Felt (Diptera: Culicidae: Culisetini), with notes on its ecology and development. Trans. R. Soc. N. Z., Zool. 8:125-133, illus., 1 pl.
1966 Grjebine, A. 1966 Faune de Madagascar. XXII. Insectes Dipteres Culicidae Anophelinae. Paris, Lahure. 487 pp. + 8 pls.
1966 Wattal, B. L., N. L. Kalra, and K. S. Krishnan. 1966 Description of Culex (Mochthogenes) shivastavii sp. n. from Andaman Islands, India. Bull. Ind. Soc. Mal. Com. Dis. 3:159-161, illus.
1966 Dobrotworsky, N. V. 1966 Mosquitoes of Tasmania and Bass Straits Islands. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 91:121-146, illus.
1966 Peyton, E.L. and J.E. Scanlon. 1966 Illustrated key to the female Anopheles mosquitoes of Thailand. S. Army Med. Comp. SE Asia Tr. Org., Bangkok, Thailand. 47 pp., iilus.
1966 Rickenbach A 1966 Description d'un nouvel Eretmapodites (Diptera, Culicidae) capturé au Cameroun. Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. 59(3):374-376.
1966 Ribeiro, H. 1966 Research on the mosquitoes of Angola (Diptera:Culicidae) III. A culicine survey in the Lobito-Catumbela region. Anais Inst. Med. Trop. 23(1/2):167-182, illus.
1966 Khokhar, R. R. and Z. K. Tariq. 1966 A re-description of Aedes (Diceromyia) periskeletus (Giles, 1902) (Diptera: Culicidae). Pakistan J. Sci. 18:117-123, illus.

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