Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1962 | Bachmann AO, Casal O 1962 Notas sobre Culex (Culex) argentinos. II. Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica de Argentina. 25. p.39-42. | |
1962 | Dumbleton, L.J. 1962 A new species and new sub-genus of Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae) from New Zealand. Z. J. Sci. 5:17-27, illus. | |
1962 | Van Someren, E. C. C. 1962 Ethiopian Culicidae: Three new Aedes from Tanganyika, with a description of the male of Aedes usambara Mattingly and the female of Uranotaenia henrardi Edwards. Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. (B) 31:19-26, illus. | |
1962 | Forattini, O.P. 1962 Entomologia medica. parte geral, Diptera, Anophelini. Vol 1,662pp., illus. Sao Paulo. | |
1962 | Lien JC 1962 Non-anopheline mosquitoes of Taiwan: annotated catalog and bibliography. Pacific Insects. 4:615-649. | |
1962 | Cova Garcia, P. 1962 Hallazgo del insecto Culex (Culex) tejerai sp. n. en la cumbre del choroni, Estado Aragua. Revta Venez. Sanid. Asis Soc. 27:312-316. | |
1962 | Reid, J.A. 1962 The Anopheles barbirostris group (Diptera, Culicidae). Bull. Ent. Res. 53:1-57, illus. | |
1962 | Darsie, R. F., Jr., E. Tindall, and A. R. Barr. 1962 Description of the pupa of Culiseta melanura (Diptera: Culicidae). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 167-170, illus. | |
1962 | Kuhlow F 1962 Beobachtungen und Experimente uber den Anopheles gambiae Komplex, Abtrennung von Anopheles tangensis n. sp. Ztschr. f. Tropen med. Parasit., Stuttgart 13:442-449. | |
1962 | Lips, M. 1962 Anopheles du Congo (ex Belge). 7. Quelques especes des groupes Cellia et Neocellia. References-recoltes-repartition et importance medicale actuelle. Riv. di Parassit. 23:107-134. |
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