Année | Référence Bibliographique | Actions |
1937 | Gjullin, C.M. 1937 The female genitalia of the Aedes mosquitoes of the Pacific Coast States. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 39:252-266, illus. | |
1946 | Gjullin C.M. 1946 A key to the Aedes females of America north of Mexico (Diptera, Culicidae). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 48:215-236, illus. | |
1950 | Gjullin, C.M., W.W. Yates and H.H. Stage. 1950 Studies on Aedes vexans (Meig.) and Aedes sticticus (Meig.), flood-water mosquitoes, in the lower Columbia River Valley. Ann. ent. Soc. Am. 43:262-275, illus. | |
1990 | Glick JI 1990 Culicoides biting midges (Diptera : Ceratopogonidae) of Kenya. Journal of Medical Entomology, 27(2):85-195. | |
1992 | Glick JI 1992 Illustrated Key to the Female Anopheles of Southwestern Asia and Egypt (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst.Vol. 24(2):125-153. | |
2003 | Godsey, M.S., Jr., MA.M. Abdoon, H.M. Savage, A.M. Al-Sharani, Y. Al- Mazron, M.H. Al- Jefri, S. Al-Surhair, A. Al- Safi, T.G. Ksiazek and B.R. Miller. 2003 First record of Aedes unilineatus in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. 19(1):84-86. | |
1902 | Goeldi, E.A. 1902 Os mosquitos no para, en carados como uma calamidade publica. 58 pp.Belem. | |
1905 | Goeldi EA 1905 Os mosquitos no Para. Reunigo de quatro trabalhos sobre os Mosquitos indigenas, principalmente as especies que molestam o homem. Mem. Mus. Goeldi (Paraense) Vol. 4 154 pp. | |
1957 | Goiny, H., C. C. Van Someren and R. B. Heisch. 1957 The eggs of Aedes (Skusea) pembaensis Theobald discovered on crabs. East African Medical Journal.34(1): 1-2. | |
2008 | Gomes Hutchings R, Mureb Sallum MA 2008 Two new species of Culex subgenus Melanoconion (Diptera: Culicidae) from the Amazon forest. Zootaxa 1920;41-50 |
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