Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
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1983 Dyce AL, Wirth WW 1983 Reappraisal of some indian Culicoides species in the subgenus Avarita (Diptera : Ceratopogonidae). International Journal of Entomology, 25(2-3) : 221-225.
1983 Degallier N, Cornet JP & Camicas JL 1983 Trois nouveaux cas de gynandromorphisme chez des tiques (Acarida, Ixodida). Cahiers ORSTOM. Série Entomologie Médicale et Parasitologie, 21(2): 97-102.
1983 Darsie R.F. 1983 The occurence of Psorophora cingulata and Unranotaenia apicalis in Guatemala (Diptera, Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics 15(1):28-32.
1983 Zavortink T.J., Roberts D.R., Hoch A.L. 1983 Trichoprosopon digitatum - Morphology, biology, and potential medical importance. Mosquito Systematics 15(2):141-149.
1982 Chen Han-bin. 1982 A new species of Culex from Guizhou, Culex (Eumelanomyia) miaolingensis, sp.nov. (In Chinese). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 7:312-316.
1982 Reinert, J.F. 1982 Belkinius, a new subgenus of Aedes and a description of Ae. (Blk.) aurotaeniatus Edwards (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosq. Syst. 14(2):101-121.
1982 Lambert, D.M. and M. Coetzee. 1982 A dual genetic and taxonomic approach to the resolution of the mosquito taxon, Anophe1es (Ce1lia) marsha1lii (Culicidae). Syst. Entomol. 7:321-331.
1982 Cambournac, F.J.C., V. Petrarca and M. Coluzzi. 1982 Anopheles arabiensis in the Cape Verde Archipelago. Parassitologia 24:265-267.
1982 Darsie R.F., Hobbs J.H. 1982 First report of Culex chrysonotum and Culex spissipes in Guatemala (Diptera, Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics 14(1):73-77.
1982 Danilov, V. N. 1982 Mosquito fauna (Diptera, Culicidae) of the Ethiopian zoogeographical region 2. A new species of Mansonia (Coquillettidia) and a key for adults of the genus Mansonia. (In Russian). Med. Parazitol. Parazit. Bolezn. 60:26-30.

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