Collection Arim :Arthropodes d'intérêt médical
GeCol:Gestionnaire de collection biologique  ArIM - Arthropodes d'Intérêt Médical Logo IRD
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1907 Dyar H.G., Knab F. 1907 Descriptions of new mosquitoes from the Panama Canal zone Journal of New York Entomological Society, 15: 197-210.
1905 Theobald F.V. 1905 Diptera, Fam. Culicidae Genera Insectorum. Fascicle 26, 50 pp., 2 pls. Belgium
1903 Theobald 1903 Notes on Culicidae and their larvae from Pecos, New Mexico, and description of a new Grabhamia The Canadian Entomologist, 35: 311-316.
1903 Coquillett D.W. 1903 New Diptera from North America Proceedings U.S.of the National Museum, 25: 83-126.
2020 Bond J.G., Moo-Llanes D.A., Ortega-Morales A.I., Marina C.F., Casas-Martínez M., Danis-Lozano R. 2020 Diversity and potential distribution of culicids of medical importance of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico Salud Publica de Mexico, 62: 379‒387.
2020 Abella-Medrano C.A., Roiz D., González-Rebeles Islas C., Salazar-Juárez C.L., Ojeda- R. 2020 Assemblage variation of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in different land use and activity periods within a lowland tropical forest matrix in Campeche, Mexico Journal of Vector Ecology, 45: 188‒196.
2020 Chan-Chable R.J., Martinez-Arce A., Ortega-Morales A.I., Mis-Avila P.C. 2020 New records and updated checklist of mosquito species in Quintana Roo, Mexico, using DNA-barcoding Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 36(4):264–268.
2020 Chan-Chable R.J., Martinez-Arce A., Mis-Avila P.C., Ortega-Morales A.I. 2020 DNA barcodes and evidence of cryptic diversity of anthropophagous mosquitoes in Quintana Roo, Mexico Ecology and Evolution, 9:4692–4705.
2018 Chan-Chable R.J., Martinez-Arcea A., Mis-Avila P.C., Ortega-Morales A.I. 2018 Confirmation of occurrence of Anopheles (Anopheles) veruslanei Vargas in Quintana Roo, Mexico using morphology and DNA barcodes Acta Tropica, 188: 138–141.
2016 Baak-Baak C.M., Cigarroa-Toledo N., Arana-Guardia R., Chi Chim W.A., Chan Orilla J.A., Machain-Williams C., Torres-Chable O.M., Ortega-Morales A.I., Moo-Llanes D.A., Elizondo-Quiroga A., García-Rejón J.E. 2016 Mosquito fauna associated with Aedes aegypti (Diptera:Culicidae) in Yucatán State of southeastern México, and checklist with new records Florida Entomologist 99: 703‒709.

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